Gary Rhodes is widely considered to be one of the most-respected Health Tech Scale-Up Advisors on the planet and his infectious enthusiasm for biohacking has made him one of the most in-demand business growth experts and VCs in the sector.

After exiting one of his multi-million-pound businesses through acquisition, Gary discovered his much-loved Grandmother was suffering from Osteoporosis and he made it his mission to find a solution for her.
The quest led to him using his extensive network to get himself into the room with the world’s leading wellness experts where he discovered just how little the general public knew about longevity and living full and fulfilled lives. It was then that his mission become bigger than just helping his immediate family, he knew that a much wider population needed this support.
Due to his tenacious appetite for knowledge, Gary would travel the world in order to get face-to-face with the top experts in various fields and he would soak up their expertise within their area of wellness. What he also discovered was that the most highly-regarded health experts didn’t always have the strongest plan or roadmap to get their essential methodology to a wider audience, so Gary created 360 Success as a holding company to advise, invest and scale powerful health-focused brands.
This has seen Gary work with GCH Partners, Performance Health Systems, owners of Power Plate and Biodensity Technology, OsteoStrong, Tony Robbins, Streamline Medical, 10X Health Systems and Grant Cardone.


So many business owners know every fact and figure around their business, but what most high-performers fail to prioritise are their body’s own data and metrics!
As someone who had launched, grown and scaled multiple multi-million-pound businesses Gary was used to high-pressure environments but having had a life-long keen interest in fitness, he didn’t know that he was - like a lot of other top performers - a ticking timebomb. It was only once he had his blood assessed as part of an extensive health screening, during some downtime after a business acquisition, that he was confronted with the fact that he could drop down dead at any given second due to his triglycerides being at a seriously dangerous level.
This realisation made Gary grasp the fact that health and well-being really did need to become a 360 focus; leading a life of longevity and successful health needed to start with the skeletal system and extend outwards from there.
From travelling the world on the quest for the answers to humanities biggest longevity needs, Gary has learned (and continues to learn) from some of the planet’s most highly-regarded experts; some of those many lessons - as well as his most recent health discoveries - can be found detailed in his blogs.

Through his investments, as well as advisory roles, Gary is working with his strategic team to launch and scale a number of projects in the early stages of 2023.
Ongoing Global expansion with Performance Health Systems ( Power Plate and Biodensity) and Leeds Beckett University
BoneStrong Licence Roll out UK and Europe
Global acquisition advisory role for a number of high-profile health tech brands
Launch of DEXAStrong, state-of the-art Musculoskeletal Health Clinic